Way back in 1994, a young man had an idea.
He was working at a printing company, whilst completing his University studies. And he thought to himself, there has got to be a better way to do print quoting.
So he created it, a windows based costing program, written for printing, from inside the printing industry. It was Dolphin, and the man was Tobie van Dyk

Fast forward 21 years, add in a long-time friend and business partner Trentin and, Dolphin HQ has moved continents, hired a women CEO, and expanded across more than 5 countries, and 3 continents.
To celebrate this milestone, and keeping in line with our promise at the start of 2015 to modernise and rework our product offering, we are excited to announce that we will be doing away with the premium pricing on floating licenses. This is our birthday gift to our Dolphin MIS clients.
From July onwards, floating licenses will become an option for clients using Dolphin 4 and there will no extra fees associated with enabling them.
Aha! I hear you say, but what about clients who are already paying the premium for floating licensing?
That dear reader, is a very good question, and it has an even better answer. Clients with floating licenses, who have been paying the premium on the prices, will have an automatic price reduction applied to their invoices from July onwards.
We’re so excited about this giveaway, we’re considering flying Oprah* out to host our birthday bash later in July.
* No not really … but the rest is true.
How do you know if floating license is suited to your company and Dolphin Setup ?
Book in with me at this link https://calendly.com/stephanie-dolphinworxs/happy-birthday-dolphin and I’ll call you to discuss the best way top get you this amazing feature. If you’re system setup is suited to it, we may even be able to have it up and running before the end of the call.
You can also download and read our Floating License Feature Summary (2015)
But Wait! There’s more ! We’re also applying a 21% discount to all Activation fees for any new modules or licenses activated from 1 to 31 July. T&C’s Apply.
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Amazing, Awesome and Committed Company to do business with! Wishing Dolpin Worxs a Titanic, Thrilling and Stupendous future.